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5月29日,陶格日勒(左)在内蒙古阿拉善盟阿拉善左旗的马鬃绕线蒙古唐卡传习所向牧民传授制作技艺。新华社记者 彭源 摄 生活在内蒙古阿拉善盟阿拉善左旗的陶格日勒自幼随祖父和母亲学习马鬃绕线蒙古唐卡的制作技艺,是马鬃绕线蒙古唐卡制作技艺最主要的传承人

此幅唐卡采用金丝彩绣工艺,是藏传佛教和东方佛教的神圣物品,品相很好。绣制时,先按所需花饰, 用绢、绫或布剪成花型,再用锁边针法和其他短直针法沿贴花缝绣在丝绸地上。轮廓线处,采用金丝线 包裹成束马鬃编制而成的细绳勾勒线条,使得轮廓线柔中带刚,颇具灵动。至今最早可考的贴绣是在长 沙马王堆一号汉墓出土的贴羽毛锦(绣),之后逐渐演变成贴绢、绫或布。本副唐卡在制作工艺上如出一辙。

This Tangka is a sacred article of Tibetan Buddhism and Eastern Buddhism. It uses gold silk color embroidery and has a good appearance. When embroidering, the pattern is cut from silk, twill or cloth according to the required pattern, and then embroidered on the silk floor along the applique with edge-locking stitch and other short straight stitches. At the contour line, the line is drawn by a string made of gold thread wrapped into bundles of horsehair, which makes the contour line flexible and firm. Up to now, the earliest tapestry that can be tested is the tapestry of tapestry (embroidery) with feathers unearthed from Han Tomb No.1 in Changshamawangdui, which gradually evolved into tapestry, twill or cloth. This pair of Thangka is identical in manufacturing process.


不用去藏区,也能欣赏到原汁原味、精美绝伦的唐卡艺术文化。南方+记者获悉,5月28日,宁觉文化馆在深圳市南山区南园枫叶大厦正式开业,多幅首次面世的原创作品将与唐卡爱好者面对面。 唐卡,是藏族文化中一种独具特色的绘画艺术形式,用明亮的色彩描绘,颜料

从造型上看,此尊莲花手观音头戴宝冠,高鼻薄唇,纤眉细目,眼睑微开,作下视状,面带微笑 ,神态慈祥柔和;佩戴环形耳铛,垂承至肩;臂长手秀;臂钏、脚镯、璎珞与花冠、耳铛相配华丽而精 细;左手当胸结说法印,双足坐立于莲座上,身体重心落于莲花宝座;宽肩柔腰,上身天衣挂肩,下身 着裙束带。飘洒的衣带如迎风吹动,在寂静中增添了几分动感。其造型典雅,华美尊贵,充分体现出当 时崇尚的一种协调、准确、精致、成熟的造型美,蕴含着浓郁的宫廷风格.

Looking from the modelling, this statue lotus hand Guanyin wears the treasure crown, the high nose thin lip, the fine eyebrow breakdown, the eyelid slightly opens, looks downward, with the smile, the manner is kind and gentle; Wear a ring-shaped earring, hanging down to the shoulder; Long arms and beautiful hands; Armbands, anklets, wreaths and wreaths are beautifully matched with corollas and earbars. The left hand bears the seal of the chest knot, the feet sit on the lotus seat, and the body's center of gravity falls on the lotus throne. Wide shoulders and soft waist, upper body clothes hanging shoulders, lower body skirt belt. The fluttering clothes and belts, like the wind blowing, add some movement to the silence. Its elegant, colorful and noble style fully reflects the harmonious, accurate, delicate and mature style advocated at the time and contains rich palace style.



不用去藏区,也能欣赏到原汁原味、精美绝伦的唐卡艺术文化。南方+记者获悉,5月28日,宁觉文化馆在深圳市南山区南园枫叶大厦正式开业,多幅首次面世的原创作品将与唐卡爱好者面对面。 唐卡,是藏族文化中一种独具特色的绘画艺术形式,用明亮的色彩描绘,颜料

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