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唐卡是2006年被确定为第一批国家级世界文化遗产名录。唐卡题材包罗万象,创作过程非常讲究。绘制前要向活佛问卜,选择吉日,沐浴净身,焚香祷告,一边诵经,一边备料。然后经过准备画布、定位起稿、铺底着色、精心勾勒、描银铺金、开光加持等过程。 唐卡须用











唐卡(Thang-ga)也叫唐嘎,唐喀,系藏文音译,指用彩缎装裱后悬挂供奉的宗教卷轴画。唐卡是藏族文化中一种独具特色的绘画艺术形式,题材内容涉及藏族的历史、政治、文化和社会生活等诸多领域,堪称藏民族的百科全书。 传世唐卡大都是藏传佛教和苯教作品。它类


It never occurred to me that there was an element of thangka in the corporate culture of a reinforced concrete construction company.So it is reasonable that such a private construction enterprise can win the mayor's quality award and the provincial quality award.

Thangka is one of my favorite arts.It has a wide range of topics and interesting content.It is known as the "encyclopedia" of the Tibetan people.

It is recorded in jokhang temple annals that songtsan gampo painted the image of white ram with his own nose blood after a divine demonstration, which was hand-bound by princess wencheng. This is the first thangka of the Tibetan nation, dating back over a thousand years.

However, this kind of art is not familiar to the public.Perhaps because of the uniqueness of its painting technique, it is not easy to spread, resulting in each thangka is particularly precious!

The general steps of the thangka painting process are: preparing the canvas, comfirming the manuscript, coloring, marking, tracing, and so on.It takes a dozen solstice days to draw a simple thangka, and months to years to draw a complex thangka.

In order to make the picture resplendent, artists use the most shocking hook line craft, with a fine point, stained with gold, silver, cinnabar and other metal fuel. In this way, the painter ticked off the figures' muscles, clothes, rocks, trees, clouds, etc. During this time, the artists touched their pens with their mouths and thus ate harmful substances such as mercury. Their eyes are also easy to get hurt for fatigue. Therefore, the artistic life of most thangka artists is very short. So thangka artists are creating with life. What an amazing craft art!

This architectural company which focuses on thangka as corporate culture is engaged in architectural work, appreciating thangka art, and pursuing excellent management. Its essence and connotation are actually pursuing a millennial spirit of craftsman...

Thangka recreates the spirit of the millennial craftsman!


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